Derangement syndrome

After writing the blog I wrote yesterday I experienced a bit of synchronicity.  This morning I perused one of my favorite op ed writers, Michael Goodwin (you know, an ACTUAL opinion based piece, not an opinion piece disguised as an actual story). His article: “This is what happens when POTUS tweets out your email address”.  At the conclusion of the aforementioned article he coined a phrase for the current syndrome of President hatred: Trump Derangement Syndrome. I like it, it fits.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS for the sake of brevity, has been alarmingly prevalent as of late I notice. Particularly after the passage of the Tax reform bill.  I’ve noticed the proliferation of nasty commercials and online messages touting TDS.  On BET at the first of the year a series of “Impeach the President” ads have been running in constant rotation.  It’s almost as though the Dems are petrified of one of their ‘sure bet’ bloc of voters would actually support the President. I’m waiting for the public service ads displaying the President in a white robe while brandishing a purple strap on.  But, I digress…

Anyways, so tonight while I was reviewing articles for some inspiration I visited MSNBC. And, lo and behold I hit the mother load. This site is the ultimate in TDS. In fact, they should rename it

Let’s take a look at the following headlines on their opening page:

  • Lawyer who once deposed Trump offers Mueller shares advice for Mueller
  • How likely is a 25th Amendment removal of a President?
  • Billionare Donor: Trump’s dangerous to the American people
  • Trump’s raised the sleaze level in public life
  • Trump is erratic and unpredictable

And, so on… It reads like a crazed pedophile’s hidden fantasy orgy on a particular target.  I mean, the level of hatred, vitriol, disillusionment, and basic waste of productive energy is insane. Can you imagine if the writers of these ‘articles’ actually put their energy to something productive what they could accomplish?

No, instead they choose to put their money and their efforts in a hate campaign that actually has no chance of succeeding.

An interesting note: The author or ‘The Billionare’ who claims that the POTUS is ‘dangerous’ to the American people is the same overly rich clown who is financing the ‘Impeach the President’ ads on BET.  The irony is just too rich. So, we have an excessively rich man, one of the Democrats viled “one percenters” viciously attacking another “one percenter” who just happens to be the POTUS.  It’s akin to two porn stars maintaining which one is more chaste than the other.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you have an issue with something put your money where your mouth is. Don’t throw money or energy at useless items (i.e. Impeachment. Trust me, if Bill “the little blue dress” Clinton couldn’t get thrown out of office what makes you think that the current POTUS will?) put your efforts into making a difference. If you don’t like the tax cut you were given then pay more. If you worry so much about sexual harassment in the workplace then stop sending pantless pictures of yourself to your associates, If you think that illegal immigrants aren’t getting a fair shake then stop hiring them to take care of your household, and, if you really want to make a difference than start talking to the American people, ALL of the American people, not just your core group or a University class, and influence them to support you.

Oh, wait, that’s what the current POTUS did and look what happened. Damn him!




About Edward

Lifelong reader Over thirty years in the automotive repair side of the business Writer of numerous short stories, children's stories, two novels and two film scripts (so far)
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